2023 Winning Essay – Influential Leaders in Financial Management

A Time to Build

By Eddie Pasa

SDFM CEO Rich Brady takes a moment to reflect and compare our field of finance and accounting to other industries previously reshaped and transformed by revolutions. He notes, while embracing the digital revolution integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct must remain guiding principles.

The Critical Contributions of SMEs

By Eddie Pasa

Throughout my career, I have witnessed the incredible dedication of subject matter experts (SMEs) who volunteer their time and expertise to ensure that certification exams are both relevant and accurate. Among these individuals, the volunteers behind the Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) certification program stand out for their invaluable contributions.

An ESG Wake-Up Call

By Bryan Taylor

Have you noticed a decrease in ESG investments in recent times? You wouldn’t expect that to be true, yet that appears to be the case of late. SDFM CEO Rich Brady shares how having businesses embrace more ESG initiatives will contribute to a better world for everyone. Article excerpt: Embracing sustainable business management can help … Continued

2023 Winning Essay – Influential Leaders in Financial Management

By Eddie Pasa

Over the past 75 years, the financial management career field has benefitted from some exceptional leaders. In your experience, who has been the most influential leader in your financial management career? Please describe the characteristics that make/made them good leaders and how those characteristics impacted your career. Introduction I started my financial management career at … Continued