Session Speaker Information
Deb Del Mar
Senior FM Systems Advisor, OUSD
Ms. Del Mar has over 35 years of experience in FM transformation that distinguishes her as an outcome-driven thought leader and passionate advocate for business standardization, simplification, and innovation. She currently serves as OUSDC Senior FM Systems Advisor responsible for the development and execution of the DoD FM Strategy FY22-26 & Implementation Plan. She is also OUSDC’s Functional Lead for the DoD’s Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) – a standard compliant FM ERP for Defense entities that enabled the recent USMC clean audit opinion – for her leadership she was awarded the OSD Exceptional Public Service Award 2024. As Co-Founder and former Managing Partner of a WOSB in Northern Virginia, Ms. Del Mar drove innovation and strategy among elite industry firms that support Federal modernization. Previously she was American Management Systems’ first female Vice President (VP) of the Defense and Intel Division and grew/managed a $300M Defense FM Practice. She is a long-standing DoD FM volunteer as ASMC’s 75th Jubilee Chair, past National Corporate Advisory Group Chair (2012-2022), ASMC Washington Chapter Vice President (2006-present), and Chair of the ASMC National Capital Region PDI since 2006. For her lifetime of service, she received the coveted SDFM President’s Aware in June 2024. She holds an MBA in Science/Technology from George Washington University and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the College of William and Mary.
Greg Little
Senior Counselor, Palantir Technologies
Previous to his current position, Greg was the first Department of Defense (DoD) Deputy Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (DCDAO) of the Business Analytics Directorate. He oversaw the Business Analytics and Strategic Insights (BASI), Enterprise Platform and Capabilities (EPC) and Strategy Operations and Customer Success (SOCS) divisions which were responsible for CJADC2 experimentation, performance management, and the Advana data and analytics platform.
Prior to this assignment, Greg served as Deputy Comptroller for Enterprise Data and Business Performance (EDBP), in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)). In this role, he served as an advisor to the USD(C), DoD’s Principal Staff Assistants and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He was responsible for advancing the National Defense Strategy by leading and championing the evolution of DoD’s performance management strategy through collaboration with DoD leaders in the use of data to evaluate programs across the enterprise, advance digital transformation, and improve performance across the Defense Agencies/Field Activities as well as the DoD’s Working Capital Fund.
Greg served as Director of the Chief Financial Officer Data Transformation Office (CDTO) for the Office of the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (ODCFO), in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)). In this capacity, he developed the first of its kind Defense Financial Management Data Strategy and deployed a big-data repository, called Advana, to transform the use of DoD business data into decisions and actions.
Prior to his appointment to the Senior Executive Service, Greg served as the team lead for the Business Integration Office within the ODCFO. In that position, he successfully led development of the DoD Financial Management Functional Strategy, defined the first Financial Management data analytics vision and strategy for the DoD, and led a team of subject matter experts and technologists to develop the Notice of Findings and Recommendations database to support the DoD’s audit remediation strategy, a crucial step in making and measuring progress on the journey to harness the power of data for better management and decision making on the path toward a clean audit opinion.
Before joining the OUSD(C) in 2015, Greg served five years as the solution architect for the Defense Agencies Initiative (an Oracle enterprise resource planning system). In this position, he was responsible for implementing a single standard financial management system for the Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities.
Greg holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics degree from Bates College and has studied abroad at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia.