On this month’s episode of The Business of Defense Rich Brady speaks to Lido Ramadan, President and CEO of Aminad Consulting about why making a great place to work matters more than fast growth.

Lido Ramadan trusts that by putting people first, his company will continue to grow and be successful. “We really want to ensure that we’re a place that genuinely cares for our people,” said Ramadan, president and CEO of Aminad Consulting, adding, “We feel like if we do that, and we stay true to our values, the rest will fall into place.” Ramadan started Aminad in 2019, building on successes he learned from co-founding his first federal consulting business in 2003 and then working for a few others afterward too. Those experiences “showed me the benefits of having a values-based culture and refined for me the thinking on the types of values that were really meaningful to me,” he said during a discussion for the Society of Defense Financial Management’s The Business of Defense series on Federal News Network.

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