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Join the premier organization for defense financial management professionals.
SDFM is an individual-based membership organization. Our members share a common passion for excellence in the defense financial management field. Bringing together individuals at all levels, from senior executives to those beginning their careers, we form a vibrant community of like-minded professionals.
Why Join
- Build a robust professional network through 100+ local chapters, online communities and national meetings.
- Distinguish yourself with the industry-leading Certified Defense Management (CDFM) certification program.
- Stay ahead of the curve with SDFM professional development and training opportunities and continuing education credits.
- Grow your leadership skills and showcase your achievements through volunteering, speaking opportunities and awards programs.
- Give back to the profession by serving as a thought-leader, mentor and author.
Individual Membership Levels
Individual Membership
Individual Membership benefits include:
Retiree Membership
Retiree Membership recognizes SDFM members who are “fully retired” and no longer working in any profession. Retirees must remain dues paying members to continue to receive a print copy of the Armed Forces Comptroller journal. Retirees may request to be non-dues paying and receive online journal access contacting
Lifetime Membership
Any individual member achieving 30 consecutive years of membership in SDFM qualifies for lifetime (non-dues Paying) membership, without any other stipulations.
Lifetime Membership benefits include:
- All the benefits of Individual Membership, except lifetime members receive only a digital version of the Armed Forces Comptroller (AFC) Journal. Lifetime members wishing to receive a print copy may do so for a nominal fee.
Contact us at to join today.