We are currently waiving penalty fees and CPE submission for reactivation!
Email certification@sdfm.org to let us know you would like to have your CDFM or CDFM-A reinstated. You will only need to pay the regular recertification fee ($25 for ASMC members or $45 for non-members) and attest to earning 80 CPEs to be actively certified again.
Individuals who do not recertify by the deadline go into Suspended Status, their name is removed from the SDFM website, and a $50 recertification late fee is applied. After 90 days in Suspended status, the certification goes into Inactive Status and the late fee is changed to a $100 reactivation fee.
If a certificant experiences events beyond their control, such as a deployment or a health situation, which interfered with their ability to recertify on time or from earning enough CPEs to recertify, they may request a one-time waiver of some or all of the reactivation requirements by sending documentation of the situation to certification@sdfm.org.
Suspended Status Reactivation Requirements
Inactive Status Reactivation Requirements
For more information, see the CDFM Recertification Policy here.