The CDFM exams are closed-book, proctored exams offered year-round, designed to evaluate candidates seeking professional certification in the field of defense financial management. Each of the 4 examination modules contains 80 multiple-choice items, and candidates are allowed 2 hours to complete each exam.
The exams may be taken in any order, and a candidate must take and pass Module 1 (Resource Management Environment), Module 2 (Budget and Cost Accounting), and Module 3 (Finance and Accounting) within a two-year time frame to earn CDFM certification. Module 4 (Acquisition Business Management) must also be taken and passed to earn the CDFM with Acquisition Specialty (CDFM-A) designation.
Download the CDFM Candidate Handbook for SDFM’s complete guidance on exam preparation.
CDFM candidates are not required to take any course or purchase any study materials to take the exams, and attending or purchasing courses or study materials is not a guarantee of passing the exams. However, the following are some SDFM-approved resources that may assist you in your studying efforts.
Candidates are encouraged to review the 2024 CDFM and CDFM-A Exam Blueprints to assess their level of knowledge in each of the domains and identify the areas in which they believe they need additional preparation. The blueprints include the domains and knowledge statements, domain weights, key updates made, and a list of references (study materials).
SDFM recommends using the CDFM exam blueprints and reference list to form a study plan, which may include the official CDFM Practice Test App or courses listed below.
SDFM has created a CDFM exam preparation tool to help candidates build confidence and identify areas for improvement. See the dedicated CDFM Practice Test page for more information.
Selected elements of the curriculum at these educational institutions, such as the US Army Finance School at Ft Jackson, the Defense Financial Management and Comptroller School at Maxwell AFB, the Syracuse University Defense Comptrollership Program, the Defense Resource Management Institute, the Defense Acquisition University, and the Naval Postgraduate School, will contribute to preparation for the examinations.
Contact your local chapter president or program committee chair for details.
Important Note: Training courses are not meant to be a sole source of preparation for the CDFM exams.
Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Courses (EDFMTC)
SDFM’s training partner, Management Concepts, offers virtual and in-person EDFMTC Module 1, 2, and 3 training courses that correspond to the CDFM Module 1, 2, and 3 exam modules and knowledge areas. The course content was initially developed by SDFM (then known as ASMC) in the year 2000 with the goal to broaden the students’ overall understanding of defense financial management. Check the Management Concepts website for course availability and information on hosting an EDFMTC for your group.
Management Concepts offers self-guided, online EDFMTC courses that focus on one module area at a time. Check the Management Concepts website for course availability.
Module 4 Acquisition Business Management Course
Management Concepts offers a 2-day training course emphasizing the Defense Department’s approach to acquisition of major systems. The course provides an overview of the defense acquisition system, review and approval procedures, milestones, and program management terms. Check the Management Concepts website for course availability and information on hosting a Module 4 Course for your group.
SDFM offers 1-, 2-, and 3-day fiscal law courses. Check the SDFM Fiscal Law webpage for course availability and information on hosting a Fiscal Law course for your group.
Note: there is fiscal law content on all CDFM Module exams.
Questions? Contact or (703) 549-0360.