Exam Development

The Society of Defense Financial Management (previously the American Society of Military Comptrollers) is pleased to provide a summary of the activities that took place between 2023 – 2024 to update the Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) and CDFM with Acquisition Specialty (CDFM-A) certification examinations which were launched May 29, 2024.

Updated Exam Blueprints

See the updated 2024 CDFM and CDFM-A Exam Blueprints to see the domains and knowledge statements, domain weights, key updates made, and a list of references (study materials) for the updated CDFM and CDFM-A exams.


Exam Update Timeline

 The “old” exams were available through September 30, 2024.

 You can have the old exam converted to an updated version of that exam. Please contact the Certification Department at certification@sdfm.org for assistance. 

Exam Update

CDFM/CDFM-A Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 were updated and launched on May 29, 2024.

No, there are still 80 multiple-choice questions on each exam.

No, each exam is still 2 hours.

See the 2024 CDFM and CDFM-A Exam Blueprints above.

Yes, the percentages of the subdomains changed. You can view the information in the 2024 CDFM and CDFM-A Exam Blueprints above.

In Modules 1-3, only the domain weights were revised. The Module 4 domain names were restructured to align with the DAU Back-to-Basics functional areas. See the 2024 CDFM and CDFM-A Exam Blueprints above for details.


No, the eligibility requirements were not updated and remain the same for now.

The scoring system remains the same. Each candidate will be notified with a “Pass” or “Fail” score report. Candidates who are unsuccessful will also be given the percentage of questions answered correctly for each subdomain.

CDFM Exams

 No, there are no changes to the exam administration process. Candidates have the options to test at Pearson VUE Testing Centers and online proctored testing. 

No, the updated exams will not have any impact on existing certifications. 

Test Prep Questions

Yes, the training materials have been updated.



It is critical to have SME collaboration throughout the CDFM certification exam development process. Your time and willingness to participate is a crucial factor in ensuring that the exam adheres to a scientifically rigorous process that is valid, reliable, and legally defensible.

  • Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits are awarded for participation.
  • Contributing in tangible and meaningful ways to the Defense Financial Management field.
  • Allowing your thoughts, experiences, and perspectives to be represented in the exam.

Questions? Please contact certification@sdfm.org.