
75+ years of advancing the mission of national security

SDFM was established as the Society of Military Accountants and Statisticians in 1948 and was open only to active-duty officers. Since then, SDFM has expanded to extend membership opportunities to all DoD and Coast Guard financial management (FM) personnel, as well as civilian contractors providing FM support to DoD and USCG.

Today, SDFM’s National Headquarters in Alexandria, VA serves a growing professional society of more than 14,000 members and more than 100 Chapters.

Through the Years


  • 2024 – ASMC rebranded to become SDFM. This evolution illustrates its commitment as an organization to those in the defense financial management community as well as advancing the mission of national security.
  • 2023 – SDFM celebrates 75 years since its founding in 1948, including a celebratory event during the PDI in St. Louis, MO with over 7,500 combined in-person and virtual attendees.
  • 2008 – SDFM adds the CDFM-A to its certification, offering the additional designation of Acquisition Specialty to its CDFM certification program.
  • 2000 – SDFM rolls out the Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) professional certification and the Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training course at the PDI in Philadelphia.


  • 1991 – SDFM National Headquarters opens in Alexandria, VA.


  • 1985 – While it took SDFM32 years to reach 7,000 members, it only takes four more years to add another 7,000, making the total 14,000 with 125 Chapters. SDFM institutes the Corporate Member program for businesses interested in military comptrollership.
  • 1981 – ASMC’s National Symposium is renamed Professional Development Institute (PDI) and is held in St. Louis, MO. Membership increases to 7,000 with over 80 Chapters.


  • 1976 – ASMC announces its first full-time, paid Executive Director Col. Edmund Edmonds, Jr, USAF (Ret). ASMC’s Executive Director represents the Society at the White House for the signing of the Military Appropriations Act by President Ford.
  • 1970 – ASMC’s Constitution is revised to redefine “military comptrollership” to include such areas as programming, cost, and management analysis, operations research, systems analysis, and management and industrial engineering.


  • 1968 – The first Professional Military Comptroller Course (PMCC) is conducted and runs for 12 weeks.


  • 1956 – SDFM publishes its first issue of the Armed Forces Comptroller Journal, Volume 1, Number 1.
  • 1955 – The Society was renamed the American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC).


  • 1949 – The National Security Act Amendments of 1949 established the Department of Defense, replacing what had been known as the National Military Establishment.
  • 1948 – SDFM was founded as the Society of Military Accountants and Statisticians in San Antonio, TX.